Thursday, August 23, 2007

Viewer Mail

Our new video "Viewer Mail" is up on youtube, so check it out! We had a lot of fun making this one so we hope you like it. If you want to leave a rating or a comment on the video that would be awesome. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Photo Shoot and Writing

We had a HUGE day today, we got tons of stuff done. We started off at Tim Horton's then headed to Kyle's to get some pictures taken. Our friend Tessa Edwards took a ton of awesome pictures for us, if you want to check out more of her work go to . We'll put a few pictures up here, but if you want to see more you'll need to check out facebook ( ).
We also wrote another script today which we'll shoot tomorrow, so let us know what you think once we upload it.

- The Funnel of Fun

Monday, August 20, 2007

New Blog!

Hey everyone, this is our new blog that will keep you up to date with everything Funnel-of-Fun-related. Check back often to find out what's happening in the Funnel of Fun world! Here are all of our videos from the last two months: