Monday, December 3, 2007

Exams and Videos

Exams have started, but the Funnel of Fun lives on! I'm flying home in the Funnel of Fun private jet this Friday to start our Christmas video as well as a few other ones. We're really looking forward to making these videos, and you can expect at least 3-4 videos over the Christmas break. We'll try to have a quick sketch uploaded before our Christmas video, hopefully we have the time between exams, editing and other Xmas stuff. Worse comes to worse, I'll at least post another Vlog update.

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Video! - The Power Ranger

Our new video "The Power Ranger" is up now! I know it's been over a month since we posted, we've actually been VERY busy with school and other things, but we'll do our best to have another video up in the next two weeks. So check out the video and let us know what you think!

- Pat

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Lottery

Finally, a new video! I know in our last post we described a totally different video, but we'll make that one next week most likely. "The Lottery" was shot at my girlfriend Anne's appartment today and we all had a great time making it, so we hope you like watching it. Here it is:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Yeah, we know it's been a while...

Don't worry, we're not dead! There have been a few delays but we'll be posting more videos soon. I just moved back to Toronto for school and Kyle has also started another semester. We've written a couple scripts, and our next video should be up sometime next week. We won't tell you what it's about, but let's just say it involves a horror movie that we SAW a while ago. If you're on our YouTube friend list, we'll send you a message once we post the video. If not, keep checking the blog for more updates.
- Pat

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Viewer Mail

Our new video "Viewer Mail" is up on youtube, so check it out! We had a lot of fun making this one so we hope you like it. If you want to leave a rating or a comment on the video that would be awesome. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Photo Shoot and Writing

We had a HUGE day today, we got tons of stuff done. We started off at Tim Horton's then headed to Kyle's to get some pictures taken. Our friend Tessa Edwards took a ton of awesome pictures for us, if you want to check out more of her work go to . We'll put a few pictures up here, but if you want to see more you'll need to check out facebook ( ).
We also wrote another script today which we'll shoot tomorrow, so let us know what you think once we upload it.

- The Funnel of Fun

Monday, August 20, 2007

New Blog!

Hey everyone, this is our new blog that will keep you up to date with everything Funnel-of-Fun-related. Check back often to find out what's happening in the Funnel of Fun world! Here are all of our videos from the last two months: